Personal Injury
If you or someone close to you has been injured due to someone else’s negligence or reckless behavior, you need a compassionate attorney to zealously advocate your interests. Seidensticker and San Filippo are experienced personal injury lawyers who will work tirelessly to advocate for your legal rights and the compensation you deserve.
Personal injury cases can be devastating to the person suffering the injury and to his or her family. Personal injury cases may result in high medical bills, loss of income, emotional distress, counseling expenses, property damage and other unplanned expenses. Not only may you suffer the stress of a personal injury due to another’s negligence, but sometimes insurance companies responsible for your damages do not act fairly, either in their valuation of your claim or in assessing their liability for your damages.
Seidensticker and San Filippo can help you by thoroughly evaluating your claims and presenting information necessary for an insurer to fully and reasonably compensate you. In the event a fair resolution cannot be reached in a settlement, the firm has the ability to litigate your claim to help you recover the damages to which you are entitled. Cases involving injured minors may require special court approval of settlements, and our attorneys can help your child’s case progress as effectively and efficiently as possible. Contact us today for a consultation.